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Алексей Эдуардович: Б1 имеет суточную возможность по сливу в идеальных условиях210т х 12ч = 2520 т/с ~ 75000т /м
Скорость прокачки по сливу
250т х 24ч = 6000 т /с ~ 180 000т /м
9 000 тонн в месяц - это на каждую машину?
MBA student: Это всего
На всю базу
Алексей Эдвардович: не сходится
Студент MBA: Позвоню 15 мин
Алексей репетитор: Нужна ёмкость машин. Она у них одинаковая?
скорость перевозки продуктов = Кол-во машин * ёмкость машин / время в пути.
Management Science
The constraints of this problem are the maximum amounts of asphalt that the company is able to supply from each of its three plants and the amounts demanded at each site for the planning period. This information is given in the column labeled supply and the row labeled demand.This problem can be formulated mathematically as a linear programming model within the following general framework:
Minimize total transportation cost subject to
- Supply constraints
- Demand constraints
Within this model, the decision variables are the amounts transported from each site to each destination.
The supply constraints represent the fact that only a limited amount can be supplied from each plant (120, 80, and 80 truckloads, respectively). Thus, regardless of which o( the three sites the asphalt is shipped to, total shipments from plant A cannot exceed 120 Similarly, a limited amount is demanded at each site (150, 70, and 60 truckloads, respectively).
So regardless of which plant(s) the asphalt comes from, the total delivered to sitt 1 should not exceed 150 truckloads. The objective function signifies that the truckloads should be allocated in a manner that will meet the demand at the sites, not exceed the supply at each plant, and do so at the lowest transportation cost.
Since the actual model formulation is somewhat more complex than that of the linear programming problem discussed previously, we will refrain from presenting it here. This model type is a special case of linear programming that will be presented in detail in Chapter 5.
Example. Construction Scheduling Problem
A construction company has contracted to build a new office building. The company's management wants to develop a construction schedule that will allow them to fmisk within the allotted time. They have identified five major steps in the building's construction: finalizing the design, digging footings, building the foundation, transporting steel and other materials, and constructing the building. The objective of the company is to complete the project on time.As an aid in planning and scheduling, a precedence diagram for the different construction activities has been developed (see Figure 1). By allocating time to each building activity, one can turn this precedence diagram into a CPM/PERT network, which can be used to determine overall project duration. This type of project network can also be used to determine the time at which each event should occur in order to maintain thf project schedule. (The circles in the network in Figure 1 indicate the completion of w( activity and the start of another.) CPM/PERT (which is presented in Chapter 6) is jus one of the network model types that will be presented in the text.
Example: Inventory Control Problem
Consider a manager of a plant who is concerned about the costs of keeping material on hand to produce products. The manager desires to have this inventory cost be low.Теги:
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Виды программ MBA
Преимуществом Executive MBA является больший опыт работы их участников по сравнению со слушателями традиционных программ MBA. Обычно студентам программ EMBA 35–37 лет, а опыт их практической деятельности составляет 6–10 лет.Типичные слушатели курса МВА в России
21 апреля День открытых дверей в новом революционном формате ТЕСТ-ДРАЙВ Kingston/РАНХиГС MBA & EMBA.
Сложившиеся стереотипы МВА – консервативный костюм или киношный образ безжалостного директора.
Студентам и слушателям программ MBA:
помощь в изучении микро и макроэкономики, экономической теории, высшей математики (любые разделы). Подробно - на сайте Арепетитор.рфЦена договорная. (г. Москва).
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